From Working Corporate to my own Light business!

Six months ago I went from working for someone else, to the ultimate someONE. My new CEO? Why that of the divine source, working in sync with me and what I was ready to offer!

Since the Fall of 2011, I was ready for more. I had fell to my knees two years prior, realizing I had no sense of who I was and spiraling quickly down a rabbit hole. After getting help, I received a more clear understanding of my purpose to guide people so they can feel more satisfied and present in the moment. And now it was time to implement. I received training at the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), met individuals with the same passion and desire to help, and enrolled in Marie Forleo’s B-school to beef up my business savvy ways. During this time I was living in Philadelphia, working as an administrative assistant for a law firm. I knew the role had a shelf life and I was setting myself up for the expiration date.

Then the day came when the firm announced the office was closing and I was offered a transfer to NYC. I was just finalizing my coaching practice and unclear if it was a sign I was ready to go on my own in Philly or take the leap to the world’s biggest metropolis.

I was single and open, so I jumped into a new chapter in NYC. And with that it meant 12 hour days and working weekends as the firm caught up from the move. I was living out of suitcases and cardboard boxes the first 2 months until my parents intervened and helped me unpack.  Some mornings I’d cry when the moment came that I couldn’t hit the snooze again. I’d dread the subway rides where I was pushed and crammed in with other people just as miserable.  People outside the city would comment how exciting it must be and it broke my heart. The first year in the city was a long one and with the hours I was working I saw my coaching dreams slip further and further away.

I knew I had to make a change. I wasn’t experiencing the city or my life for that matter in a way that felt fulfilling. And I couldn’t let go of my coaching dreams. It haunted me regularly. The very fact that I hadn’t moved on from the idea added to it’s value.  So I put in my notice at the law firm and in August of 2013, at the onset of my 30th birthday, I “escaped”.

At that point in time, freedom was not having to go into an office anymore or miss out on events because I was working late. It  now meant having time to develop my business, get speaking gigs, and start working with clients.

Except none of that ever happened. As much as I promoted and hoped, no one wanted to make the investment to work with me or come to my events. Living in midtown Manhattan, my financial resources were burning up quickly and my fear was going into hyperdrive. I tried to keep it all together on the outside but inside I was freaking out.

My life was becoming unmanageable. I had hit rock bottom, yet again.

And just like the last time, with embarrassment and confusion, I needed help. And so three months after my 30th birthday, I found myself back in a cubicle again. Back to the pain at the sound of my alarm and the sadness that washed over me squeezing into the subway car every morning.  For awhile, I resisted hardcore. While I didn’t let my work performance suffer, I resented the new company I was working as an assistant for. I got upset when they made extra demands or an entrepreneurial event came up that I couldn’t go to because of them.

Once again, the same story unfolded and I was miserable and doubting my purpose. I didn’t understand why I was brought to NYC if I was going to struggle and I hated that it felt like I was just coasting through my life. I was constantly reaching my breaking point until one day I decided to surrender.

It was the moment of surrender that brought me to my horoscope that read I should take a Kundalini Yoga class. So I did.

And I fell in love with the practice. They said to keep coming back. And so I did.

Kundalini Yoga taught me to learn to work with the resistance I was feeling, not against it. It allowed me to see my challenges not as set backs but set forths into new ways of doing things. It allowed me to see how I was holding myself back in my resentment and tamper tantrums of not getting my way and instead realize it wasn’t all about me. It was about something far greater, if I could just get myself into a space of trust and patience to receive it.

I was guided to Gabby Bernstein‘s work and enrolled in her Masterclass soon after. I was placed in a community of light workers where we could simply believe and inspire each other. I felt encouraged to explore my other gifts outside of coaching such as Astrology and Tarot. I felt that maybe there was hope for me after all.

So what happened next?  I left my Corporate job in the Spring of 2015 and haven’t looked back since! Here are the top tips I learned to eventually transfer out of my 9-5 and into my light full time!

  1. Your current job is a spiritual experience. When I first started my work with Gabby, I would complain that I was ready to start coaching full time now. Surely, she could understand the passion and desire I felt!  Quite the contrary. She put me in my place and advised that I wasn’t ready. The desire to leave wasn’t enough. Not only did a need a more clear plan in place, I also needed to learn to appreciate the place that was supporting me. She reminded me that I had a responsibility not only to myself but those I’d come to serve one day. I needed to utilize my current job to afford me the opportunities to advance to the next level, such as continuing her Masterclass and receiving my Kundalini Teacher Training. And therefore, I needed to have respect for where I was clocking in. Utilize your current role to give you the benefits you need to build your business in a space of feeling secure. When you try to create a business in lack, you are projecting misguided feelings and agendas. Also set clear boundaries with your place of employment. For me, I was very direct that I would need to leave at 5pm every day. If you are finding that your job is not in alignment with your boundaries, perhaps you need a different job to support you as your make your transition.
  2. Do honor ALL of your talents and gifts. When I first started my business, I was stuck on only life coaching. I was ignoring my passion for Astrology and other spiritual methods. It wasn’t until I decided to share my knowledge of the cosmos that things started to shift. By fully expressing what I had to offer, everything started to blend together and I attracted clients that had been looking for me! By worrying about seeming too “woo woo” I was ignoring the ones that would love it. I now have a range of clients from coaching, astrology, meditation and more. Look at it like a restaurant. If you were only serving one item, you’d bring in some people however limiting those with different cravings. If you expand your menu, you’ll give potential clients more tasty options!
  3. If it’s not a connection, it’s a distraction. When you are transitioning into your own business, there isn’t a ton of time for much else. Choose your activities and free time wisely. Is what you’re engaging in inspiring you further or holding you back? For me, that was dating. I was getting too caught up in going out with guys that didn’t hold the higher vision of my future with me. I realized that unless it was a real supportive connection, it was just a distraction. That is not to say that you can’t have fun and let loose while building a business! However you want to notice when the good times are outweighing the rest and how that may impact your momentum.
  4. Find people that will hold space during your move toward Freedom. Surround yourself with people that will support your new venture. We have a habit of trying to prove or going to people for help that may not understand what’s happening. Being in an atmosphere where you can vent throughout while still staying empowered is so important. Look for people that won’t coddle you but motivate you to stay with it. A business coach/mentor or mastermind community can be wonderful for this!

You have a desire to help people and lead a more fulfilling life. You wouldn’t have made it to the end of this blog otherwise. And you can. It just takes a lot of trust, patience, and a knowing that your mission and purpose is worth waiting for. The more consistently you show up for it every day, the faster it will come to you and the easier it gets.

If you want to discuss further, I’m here for you! Whether it’s clarity around developing your niche and next steps, how to connect with your audience, building confidence or just someone that can relate, I’m here for you! Set up a 20 minute consult here to talk about it!

I can’t do this on my own. Neither can your peers. We need YOU and the unique light you have to bring to the world. Please help yourself and help us in turn. You got this and we’re here for you too!


17 thoughts on “From Working Corporate to my own Light business!

  1. This was by far, my favorite blog post. I’m in the “appreciate the place that is supporting me” phase. My astrology work has quadrupled, and I will do anything to ensure it all gets done, even if it means evenings and weekends. It’s so important to me, I’m hoping to take the Master Class next year, and looked into IPEC for certification although I’ve been doing it unofficially forever. It would feel great having that official backing. Shine on Leo Sis!

      • I have to jump into your conversation sisters. I agree with Maji, I find myself getting more and more readings and people asking for me to keep making my Chakra Balancing jewelry. I am also considering taking the Master class along with Maji and if you ladies meet up to discuss it, please keep me in the loop. I would love to see you both 😉 Thank you for the constant inspiration Danielle. I am very proud and impressed by your work.

  2. You are just what i need right now, thank you Danielle. So stoked i ambled into your yoga class in NYC all the way from Sydney Australia x

  3. …can’t speak to your transition but damn glad you did! This is only the beginning for those with talent like yours and I feel privileged to have experienced it! You are part of what will heal the plane! Peace, love and immaculate light!

  4. …not sure what to say other than I am soo glad you did whatever you did to bring you into my awareness!! You know I don’t “not like” what I’m doing now however I just have to do something different and I’m just stoked to get on with whatever it is. You also probably know that I am enamored with Danielle and appreciate all the gifts that you’ve shared!…remind me to make it up to you some day!! I love you and wish you all the best…always!

  5. I love it when I read blogs from people being vulnerable and sharing there honest and true story about how they’ve grown their business. It’s like a breath of fresh air! 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing Danielle! ❤

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